Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Reminisced....

I reminisced my youth, my home, my school, the people who mattered most.... what might have been. Reminiscence to me is almost an everyday activity. Unconsciously, of course .And I allowed myself to float with time. It' s good to be back to those good old days, good old feelings, days which will never come back, people I may never see again...most times as I journey through time.
There were moments in the past that were , yes, regretting if I live the moment....decisions, adventures to live the present. Bold decisions...daring adventures. And pain.
Softball with my teenage peers, nightly Christmas carols, a swim over the weekends, high school graduation, puppy loves, academic excellence...exulting to remember by.
And I ponder. As I got in touch with those circumstances and set of I searched through my bank of memories...i was time traveling within my own mind. Did those events happened to be mere perceptions of born out of memories ...lens clouded by emotions? Vague images...lucid memories.
I regret a few...something I said and done. But I learned to forgive myself ...knowing that I did the best I knew I was capable at that time. Mistakes… they are the best teachers and a commitment to never repeat them again...the realization that it was I who initiated the cause, perhaps, consciously or unconsciously, which led to the effects of those regrets.
I learned. I learned to look for the deeper meaning and the lessons of each one of those regrets and silently honored those who pulled the strings that I may be humbled.
I stand humbled before them.
God does work in mysterious ways. That we don't know the big picture is my belief.
That there is ...a heart ...and a soul
And once upon a time